Are there Saini's in Pakistan?

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Are there Saini's in Pakistan?

Yes, there are Saini people living in Pakistan. They are primarily found in the Punjab region where they have a strong presence and are considered to be an agricultural community. Their primary occupation revolves around agriculture, highlighting the vital role they play in contributing to the country's food production . Known as the Puru ShoorSaini , they hold a deep reverence for their historical connections, particularly their belief in and admiration for King Porus . Their rich cultural heritage and agricultural expertise continue to be integral to the social and economic fabric of the region .

Are there Saini's in Pakistan?

Saini news: Welcome to Saini News website , where we bring you all the news related to the Saini community . Please support us. Our website covers all the news related to the leaders, artists, emerging personalities and athletes of the Saini community . You will find all the news of the Saini, Maurya, Kushwaha and Shakya communities on the Saini News website . Following our website is available, please follow the website so that all the news of the community can be easily reached to you . When you press Follow Button on the website, you will receive notification of every news provided by us .

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