Is Saini a Mali?
No , The Saini community and the Mali community are distinct social groups within the Indian caste system and they should not be confused with each other . The Mali community is traditionally associated with horticulture, gardening and agriculture. while the Saini community is also traditionally involved in agriculture , but they are known for their warrior and landowner status in addition to agriculture . It's important to recognize that the Indian caste system is a complex and nuanced social structure with various sub-castes and communities , each having its own traditions, occupations and social status .
Saini news: Welcome to Saini News website , where we bring you all the news related to the Saini community . Please support us. Our website covers all the news related to the leaders, artists, emerging personalities and athletes of the Saini community . You will find all the news of the Saini, Maurya, Kushwaha and Shakya communities on the Saini News website . Following our website is available, please follow the website so that all the news of the community can be easily reached to you . When you press Follow Button on the website, you will receive notification of every news provided by us .